- Sep. 2024-present Project Researcher @University of Tokyo
- Investigation on the Origin and Evolution of Matter in the Universe by Extremely Rare Events
- 計画研究 E02:全ニュートリノフレーバーを用いた超新星ニュートリノの理論研究
- Oct. 2023-Aug. 2024 Junior Researcher (JSPS Research Fellow) @Waseda University
- Apr. 2022-Oct. 2023 JSPS Research Fellow (PD) @Waseda University
- Apr. 2020-Mar. 2022 JSPS Research Fellow (DC2) @The University of Tokyo
- Sep. 2013-Aug. 2015 Research Assistant @National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Sep. 2023-Mar. 2024 Exercises in Quantum Mechanics (part-time instructor) @Tokyo University of Science
- Jun. 2019-Mar. 2020 Seminar in Astronomy I (Teaching Assistant) @The University of Tokyo
- Apr. 2017-Sep. 2017 Computational Astronomy I (Teaching Assistant) @The University of Tokyo
- Mar. 2022 Ph.D., Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
- Advisor: Prof. Hideyuki Umeda
- Dissertation: Dynamics and Symmetry Breaking of Collective Neutrino Oscillation in Core-Collapse Supernovae [LINK]
- Mar. 2019 M.S., Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
- Mar. 2017 B.S., Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
- May 2021 Poster Awards @Unraveling the History of the Universe and Matter Evolution with Underground Physics
- Mar. 2019 the School of Science Encouragement Award (Graduate program) @The University of Tokyo
- Jul. 2018 Oral Awards @The 48th Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Mar. 2017 the School of Science Encouragement Award (Undergraduate program) @The University of Tokyo
Organization of Conferences and Workshops
- Apr. 2022-present JSPS Research Fellow PD ( No. 22J00440 and No. 22KJ2906 , Google Scholar)
- Apr. 2020-Mar. 2022 JSPS Research Fellow DC2 ( No. 20J13631 , Google Scholar)
- Jun. 2019-Nov. 2019 Research Assistant @The University of Tokyo
Collaborative Research Program
- NAOJ CfCA (XD2000 2024-)
- NAOJ CfCA (XC50 2018-2024)
- YITP computer